In review – My 1st year (and a bit) of blogging

History of the blog

The first post was written on 6th October 2011 (as you can probably work out from the link). From then to date I’ve reached the following dizzy heights:

I know that 3.5K-ish views could be considered a drop in the ocean of page views, but I think it makes for a good start. I’m glad that the HPG 2012 page has seen so many views since it was my favourite conference of 2012 and I’m proud of its write up (I’m also looking forward to this years HPG!).

I’m also happy the Disneyland Paris review has had some views because it’s the kind of helpful information you need for a visit and although it’s off-topic for the main focus of this blog, I’m glad to write and share content like that.

Also this year

Since starting the blog, I’ve also started using Twitter as @dickyjimforster (which I also posted about) and I’ve been able to discover some interesting things as well as managing to forward other interesting things on! This really satisfies my Google reader sharing urges (which I also discovered was very common for a lot of people) as well as providing more context for what people are doing at events such as SIGGRAPH and GDC.

The future

My aim for this year is to keep writing although I don’t think I can maintain the posting rate of the last year. I’d like to spend some more time practising game development (although I don’t think I can achieve the rate of one game a month however much the efforts of others inspire me) since it’s an area where I feel I need to improve. I’d also like to write a few off-topic but helpful posts like last time.

The final word

I’d like to think that my first year (and a bit) has been successful. Based on a post from Eric@realtimerrenderingOne survey (from Caslon Analytics) gives 126 days for the average lifetime of a typical blog. Another (from problogger) notes even the top 100 blogs last an average of less than 3 years. I’m still here!

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